

THE following work is designed principally for the use of those who desire to pursue the study of Astronomy as a branch of liberal education. To acilitate its use by students of different grades, the subject-matter is divided into two classes, distinguished by the size of the type, and the volume is thus made to contain two courses.
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Astronomy for Everybody

Astronomy for Everybody
THE present work grew out of articles contributed to McClure's Magazine a few years since on the Unsolved Problems of Astronomy, Total Eclipses of the Sun, and other subjects. The interest shown in these articles suggested an exposition of the main facts of astronomy in the same style. The result of the attempt is now submitted to the courteous consideration of the reader.
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Astronomy for Amateurs

Astronomy for Amateurs
THE Science of Astronomy is sublime and beautiful. Noble, elevating, consoling, divine, it gives us wings, and bears us through Infinitude. In these thereal regions all is pure, luminous, and splendid. Dreams of the Ideal, even of the Inaccessible, weave their subtle spells upon us. The imagination soars aloft, and aspires to the sources of Eternal Beauty.
Просмотров: 1599
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Determination of Time, Longitude, Latitude, and Azimuth

Determination of Time, Longitude, Latitude, and Azimuth
From time to tune during many years publications have been issued describing the instruments and methods used by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in the etermination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth. The general aim has been to provide a working manual which would serve as a guide to the observer in the field and the computer in the office in carrying on the astronomic work of the Survey in a systematic manner. The exhaustion of previous editions and the introduction of new instruments and methods have made necessary the successive editions, in each of which much has been repeated from the preceding one.
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Course in Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy

Course in Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy

This course is the first attempt in world of scientific literature at a complete, connected and yet non-elementary exposition of the methods and results of astrophysics and stellar astronomy. The pioneering character of this course is its distinction, yet it is also a source of possible shortcomings. The authors were unable to take advantage of classical standard texts because they do not exist as yet. On the other hand, the quickly changing aspects of our science contain the dancers of anachronisms as well as too hasty conclusions. The author’s triad to maintain the greatest objectivity possible with regard to debatable and hotly discussed problems.
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Star Atlas

Star Atlas

Tins atlas is designed for teachers and students of Astronomy. Its aim is to supply maps for those who desire to familiarize themselves with the characteristic star groups, and also to include the leading objects of interest in the sky, which those possessing small telescopes may wish to examine. As the purpose of the atlas is educational rather than professional, it has been constructed in a form which it is hoped will be specially adapted to its use, and it contains some features and omits others which would find a place in an atlas for professional use.
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A New Star Atlas

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Автор: Richard A. Proctor
Издательство: London, Longmans, Green and Co.
Страниц: 108
Год: 1873
Размер: 3,39 МБ


This atlas is reduced from my large Star Atlas. The plan on which it has been constructed briefly described in the accompanying letterpress needs no special discussion here ; because I have already fully dealt with it in the introduction to the large Atlas. I may remark, however, that the present work affords new and striking evidence of the advantages of the plan; for we have here a little book which can be carried in the pocket, while the small Atlas published by the Society for Diffusing Useful Knowledge is printed on sheets about sixteen inches square; and yet the scale of the accompanying maps is larger than that of the S.D.U.K. Atlas. The reduction in size is gained chiefly by a reduction in the distortion of the maps, the maximum expansion due to this cause being fifty -eight times greater in the S.D.U.K. maps than in the present (see note at pp. 11, 12). Moreover, the twelve maps of this Atlas overlap, a fifth part of the heavens being included in the overlaps; so that each of the twelve maps exhibits a tenth part of the heavens.
Просмотров: 1697
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Astronomy by Observation

Astronomy by Observation

This book has grown out of actual school-work, in which it was the teacher's object to make pupils studying elementary astronomy observe and think.
Просмотров: 1885
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