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Hаписал: klientsbases, Комментариев: 0, Новостей: 0
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Актуализация: ноябрь 2013
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ICQ: 658548888

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Актуализация: ноябрь 2013
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Для заказа доступно:
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ICQ: 658548888

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Очищена от дублей и верифицирована. Дата сбора - 12.12.2013 г.

ICQ: 658548888

Hаписал: Enquinant, Комментариев: 0, Новостей: 0
Presented as a Plenary Lecture at Indoor Air '99, The Eighth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 8-13.Three methods for the integration of IAQ into LCA are described and compared. These methods include three different ways to assess chemical emissions from building materials http://bestex.web44.net and the impacts of these emissions on IAQ. The results show that data and health-based criteria are needed to advance the practice. Evaluation of IAQ in LCAs is no more complex than many tasks already routinely performed by LCA practitioners.

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