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Общая теория вращения ЗемлиОбщая теория вращения Земли построена в неограниченной постановке задачи о ньютоновом взаимодействии Земли, рассматриваемой как абсолютно твердое тело, Луны, Солнца и больших планет, принятых за материальные точки. В основу теории положены качественные методы небесной механики и принято во внимание, во-первых, трехосность центрального эллипсоида инерции и динамическая неуравновешенность Земли, во-вторых, взаимосвязь поступательного и вращательного движений Земли, в-третьих, динамическая связь между общими пространственными движениями тел Солнечной системы в целом и специфические особенности движения Земли: вековое движение полюсов и замедление вращения Земли, периодические вариации элементов вращения Земли относительно центра масс, постоянные прецессии и нутации земной оси, механизмы векового удаления Луны от Земли и сближения орбит тел Солнечной системы с неизменяемой плоскостью Лапласа. Выводы теории имеют важное значение для постановки и решения прикладных задач небесной механики и астродинамики, научно-технических задач геодезии, геологии и геофизики. Планета ВенераКнига английского астронома Патрика Мура "Планета Венера" посвящена ближайшей к Земле и, пожалуй, самой загадочной планете Солнечной системы. Автор приводит легенды, связанные с Венерой, описывает телескопические наблюдения Венеры и детали, видимые на ее диске. Далее автор излагает современные представления о составе и температуре атмосферы Венеры, предполагаемой природе ее поверхности и физических условиях на ней, основанные на результатах фотометрических, спектроскопических и радиоастрономических работ. В заключение автор рассматривает проблему возможности жизни на Венере. Общий курс астрономии![]() Вселенная, жизнь, черные дырыВ предлагаемой книге изложено современное представление о возникновении и развитии Вселенной; о том, как ведутся поиски жизни вне Земли и о результатах этих поисков; о загадочных и фантастических свойствах черных дыр и о том, как их находят и «взвешивают»; о самых последних открытиях в астрофизике - антигравитации, «темной материи» и «темной энергии». Solar System Update: Topical and Timely Reviews in Solar System SciencesThis book, the first in a series of forthcoming volumes, consists of topical and timely reviews of a number of carefully selected topics in solar systemn science. Contributions, in form of up-to-date reviews, are mainly aimed at professional astronomers and planetary scientists wishing to inform themselves about progress in fields closely related to their own field of expertise. X-Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics: Lectures Held at the Astrophysics School X Organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral NetworkThis volume contains a comprehensive treatment of X-ray spectroscopy, as applied in astrophysics. It is presented in the form of extensive notes of lectures given by seven distinguished scientists at the Tenth Summer School of the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network. The subjects covered are: basic line and continuum radiation processes in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy; atomic physics of collision- and radiation-dominated plasmas; X-ray spectroscopic observations with ASCA and BeppoSAX; future X-ray spectroscopy missions; X-ray optics, and X-ray spectroscopy instrumentation. The book, which will appeal to both researchers and graduate students, is timely in view of the scheduled launches of the big X-ray observatories AXAF and XMM in 1999. Space, Time, Matter"A classic of physics ... the first systematic presentation of Einstein's theory of relativity" - British Journal for Philosophy and Science. Long one of the standard texts in the field, this excellent introduction probes deeply into Euclidean space, Riemann's space, Einstein's general relativity, gravitational waves and energy, laws of conservation... Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous LegacyEver since Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity burst upon the world in 1915 some of the most brilliant minds of our century have sought to decipher the mysteries bequeathed by that theory, a legacy so unthinkable in some respects that even Einstein himself rejected them. Which of these bizarre phenomena, if any, can really exist in our universe? Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; wormholes, short spacewarps connecting regions of the cosmos; singularities, where space and time are so violently warped that time ceases to exist and space becomes a kind of foam; gravitational waves, which carry symphonic accounts of collisions of black holes billions of years ago; and time machines, for traveling backward and forward in time. Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, a cadre of Russians, and earlier scientists such as Oppenheimer, Wheeler and Chandrasekhar, has been in the thick of the quest to secure answers. In this masterfully written and brilliantly informed work of scientific history and explanation, Dr. Thorne, the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech, leads his readers through an elegant, always human, tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the great question: what principles control our universe and why do physicists think they know the things they think they know? Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time has been one of the greatest best-sellers in publishing history. Anyone who struggled with that book will find here a more slowly paced but equally mind-stretching experience, with the added fascination of a rich historical and human component. The Galaxies of the Local GroupThe Local Group is a small cluster of galaxies of which thirty-five members are currently known, including the Milky Way. With characteristic clarity of expression, Sidney van den Bergh provides a complete overview of all that is known about the galaxies of the Local Group and their evolution. He also places this knowledge in the wider context of continuing studies of galaxy formation and evolution, the cosmic distance scale, and the conditions in the early Universe. This volume thoroughly details our current understanding of each of the thirty-five members of the Local Group, as well as those galaxies previously regarded as possible members. The book goes on to examine the mass, stability and evolution of the Local Group as a whole and includes many important, previously unpublished results and conclusions. Polytropes: Applications in Astrophysics and Related FieldsThis book provides the most complete academic treatment on the application of polytropes ever published. It is primarily intended for students and scientists working in Astrophysics and related fields. It provides a full overview of past and present research results and is an indispensible guide for everybody wanting to apply polytropes. |
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