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Titan: Exploring an Earthlike WorldExploring an Earthlike World presents the most comprehensive description in book form of what is currently known about Titan, the largest satellite of the planet Saturn and arguably the most intriguing and mysterious world in the Solar System. Because of its resemblance to our own planet, Titan is often described as a frozen primitive Earth and is therefore of wide interest to scientists and educated laypersons from a wide range of backgrounds. The book aims to cater to all of these by using nontechnical language wherever possible, while maintaining a high standard of scientific rigor. The book is a fully revised and extensively updated edition of Titan: The Earthlike Moon, which was published in 1999, before the Cassini and Huygens missions arrived to orbit Saturn and land on Titan. As investigators on these missions, the authors use the latest results to present the most recent revelations and latest surprises about an exciting new world. Discovering the Solar SystemDiscovering the Solar System, Second Edition covers the Sun, the planets, their satellites and the host of smaller bodies that orbit the Sun. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject for science students, and examines the discovery, investigation and modelling of these bodies. Following a thematic approach, chapters cover interiors, surfaces and the atmospheres of major bodies, including the Earth. The book starts with an overview of the Solar System and its origin, and then takes a look at small bodies, such as asteroids, comets and meteorites. Уравнения поля Эйнштейна и их применение в астрономииВ книге содержится обзор основных вопросов релятивистской теории тяготения и её применений в астрономии. Приводятся решения уравнений поля, которые могут представить астрономический интерес. Подробно исследуется задача Кеплера в теории относительности, рассматриваются релятивистские возмущения в движении искусственных спутников Земли, изучаются особенности распространения света в поле гравитации. Значительное внимание уделяется космологическим приложениям общей теории относительности. Основы теории ошибок для астрономов и физиков![]() |
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