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Celestial Harvest: 300-Plus Showpieces of the Heavens for Telescope Viewing and ContemplationThis book describes more than 300 of the finest celestial wonders that can be viewed with common "backyard" telescopes. The sun, moon, and planets in the Earth's solar system, as well as such brighter asteroids are described and their positions given, as are open star clusters, supernova remnants, and a host of other phenomena. A Briefer History of Time (Audiobook)Stephen Hawking's worldwide bestseller, A Brief History of Time, has been a landmark volume in scientific writing. Its author's engaging voice is one reason, and the compelling subjects he addresses is another: the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, the history and future of the universe. But it is also true that in the years since its publication, readers have repeatedly told Professor Hawking of their great difficulty in understanding some of the book's most important concepts. Breakthroughs in ScienceTwenty six far-reaching discoveries and the twenty nine scientists who made them-from Archimedes, who boasted he could move the world, to Goddard, who sent the first liquid-fuel rocket toward space. These men of vision and genius set their sights beyond the known to bring about bold advances in scientific thinking and enlarge our knowledge of man and his environment. By Asimov from almost 50 years ago. The Physics of Star Trek & Beyond Star Trek: Physics from Alien Invasions to the End of Time“Lawrence M. Krauss's publishing record reveals his knowledge of dark matter, cosmic strings, baryon number violations at the electroweak scale - and the mysterious, sometimes bogus TV "science" that the Star Trek generation cut its teeth on. Krauss's previous book, The Physics of Star Trek, was readable, educational, and clever, never talking down to the layman or trivializing physics. Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental ConstantsThe question of a possible temporal variation of the fundamental constants was raised by Paul Dirac in his "large number hypothesis" in 1937. Today it appears in the context of the search for a unified theory of the fundamental interactions. It touches both fundamental and applied physics, as the postulate of the unalterability of the constants is the foundation for modern metrology. The book presents reviews written by leading experts in the field. Focussing on the question of variations of the fundamental "constants" in time or space, the chapters cover the theoretical framework in which variations are expected and the search for variations of quantities like the fine-structure constant, the electron/proton mass ratio, g-factors of proton and neutron etc. in astrophysical and geophysical observations and in precision experiments with atomic clocks and frequency standards. ЗвездыВ безлунную ночь, вдали от огней и пыли больших городов, небо кажется усеянным множеством светил. Теперь, как и тысячи лет тому назад, над горизонтом поднимаются все те же созвездия и плавно совершают свой путь по небесному своду. Так же, как и раньше, выделяются между ними блуждающие светила - планеты, принадлежащие к нашей солнечной системе и обращающиеся вместе с нашей Землей вокруг Солнца... Жизненный путь планетИмя Саванте Аррениуса не нуждается в рекомендации русской читающей публике: оно хорошо ей известно по прежним его книгам космогонического характера, выдержавшим и на русском языке ряд изданий: «Образование миров» и «Представление о мироздании на протяжении веков». Эта книга отчасти дополняет предыдущие, но имеет в виду и особую самостоятельную задачу: дать представление о вероятном физическом состоянии нижних планет нашей солнечной системы и о их судьбах. Книга написана образно, ярко и со знанием дела, и даже там, где читатель не соглашается с автором, он не может оставаться равнодушным к оригинальности его мыслей и к широте размаха. О верхних планетах (Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун) в книге ничего не говориться, и можно думать, что им Аррениус посвятит особую книгу. |
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